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Monday, March 17, 2008

Anti Anxiety Medication Not The Only Answer

Seeking a prescription for anti anxiety medication may not be the only answer to anxiety disorders. In fact, it may not even be the first. Studies have shown that psychiatrists too often resort to medication when cognitive behavioral therapy will do a much better job.

Anxiety is typically caused by stress, however there are several other hereditary and psychological factors believed to be perhaps partially responsible as well. Some of us are simply more vulnerable than others to anxiety, but even those who do start to suffer from this condition can manage it quite well, if they take the correct steps.

Anti Anxiety Medication – What Are The Alternatives?
Stress Management – Anxiety disorders most often are an outgrowth of stress. One of the best ways to combat anxiety disorders is to manage stress. Yoga is one technique that is gaining popularity. Another is life counseling. The objective each time is to prevent stress from escalating into unhealthy behavioral patterns.

Nutrition Management – Carbohydrates increase insulin levels and these changes to the blood sugar level change moods. Certain foods can also cause hormonal imbalance. Very few people know how important a healthy diet is to our emotional health. If you find yourself with anxiety symptoms, you might seek advice from holistic experts for herbal or natural supplements.

Therapy is the preferred Treatment
Behavioral therapy and counseling is considered far better than anti anxiety medication. Drugs have the potential to get patients addicted. Not so with behavioral therapy which is very effective.

In fact, it has become the most popular method for treating anxiety disorders. This usually involves teaching the patient to change his or her thinking patterns when they start to feel anxious. The length of treatment varies, depending upon each individual case.

Anxiety disorders are learned responses to stimuli that are incorrect. It is normal for someone to feel anxious on occasion, but people who suffer from anxiety disorders get frightened even when there is no real reason to be afraid.

In psychotherapy, a psychologist helps the patient to overcome anxieties by overcoming their reactions to whatever it is they fear.

A popular method in psychotherapy is desensitization, making a person so used to the object of his or her fears that they no longer feels any anxiety. Another method is relaxation techniques to control the anxiety or panic attacks.

What is your Next Step?
One thing is certain. You must make the move towards an anxiety free life - it will not find you. And the first place you start is to look to see what treatment there is beyond anti anxiety medication for an answer.

One popular course of treatment is structured so that an internal cognitive shift happens and gradually you no longer fear having a panic attack. That is the pivot point of the technique. Your general anxiety drops away quickly and soon you are restored to your more confident former self. And you have run no risk of addiction to anti anxiety medication I strongly recommend that you read more about this treatment here. It's been acclaimed by a lot of people, so read what they have to say.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Push Panic Away and Become Fear-Free

Hi. And welcome to my tiny piece of cyberspace.

I chose the title “fear-free” because my interest in this blog is helping sufferers of panic attacks and panic disorder to find relief.

I don’t suffer from this. Yes, I’m sure all of us have gone through that hole-in-the-stomach feeling when you realize something is totally out of your control and a cause for fear or concern. But I don’t call that a panic attack.

My wife, however, is a different story. She suffers such attacks – mercifully not too often. I don’t need to tell people reading this who also suffer from them how it feels. All I can tell you is that, for an observer, the only feeling is sheer helplessness.

Hence my motivation here.

In the research I’ve done so far I have avoided drug-based treatments. It’s a personal kind of quirk, but I’m one of those people who will run from pills unless it is very clear that what ails me requires medication. I just think that too many of us reach for too many Tylenol bottle a little too often.

I have found what seems to me an interesting solution and I provide the link for that in the column to the side as well as at the end of this post. It is a treatment that I’m drawn to for these reasons:
• It is logical and makes basic sense as an approach
• It is drug-free
• It has been offered for something like seven years
• The testimonials on behalf of the treatment are plentiful and seem very genuine.

As I get to read more, I’ll post more here. In the meantime, I’d really like to hear from others who suffer from panic and anxiety attacks, and especially those who have had experience with this particular treatment.

You can check this solution out here. I hope it helps and I hope to hear from you.